On 24.12.2009 18:16, Dan Williams wrote:
I picked up a Dell integrity server on ebay for 20. Anyone know if
this will run Openvms. Also as there is not media for Integrity yet
does anyone have access to it ?.
Hi Dan,
I've run OpenVMS on several different types of HP Integrity servers, but not on Dell
HW. It could work theoretically, but there might be many reason why not. First and maybe
most important reason is that there need to be drivers for the HW components of the
server. E.g. SCSI adapters, LAN adapters, graphics adapters, etc. I'm quite sure that
OpenVMS Engineering hasn't tested OpenVMS on any other servers than HP Integrity
servers. Therefore there might not be suitable drivers for other brands. Then there might
be slight differences in the EFI firmware as well.
It would be very interesting to find out if it possible to run OpenVMS on other than HP
platforms, though.
I do also have the OpenVMS I64 media. I could make a copy of it if you want. Please
contact me privately if you want one.
Best Regards,