On 2016-04-20 20:05, Sampsa Laine wrote:
On 20 Apr 2016, at 21:03, Johnny Billquist
<bqt at softjar.se> wrote:
On 2016-04-20 19:58, Sampsa Laine wrote:
I?ve got two VAXstation 4000s, and I think they
both have a graphics card in them - one with a weird connector with 3 circular sockets and
another with a DB25-looking thing and they seem to have a picture of a monitor on them.
So a couple of questions?
Anyone know where I can get an adapter cable for one or the other of those to a VGA
monitor? (basically, does anyone have a spare that they?d like to sell)?
Are they likely to work with an LCD monitor or do I need to get an older CRT one?
Basically the video output from all DEC stuff is analog video with sync on green. So just
find a video converter that can take analog RGB video input with sync on green, and then
output to VGA or whatever, and you're good.
OK, got that. What about the cabling, anyone got any spares lying around? :)
Not me. But the connector, which is like a DA-15 shell, with just three
coaxial connectors inside were used by others than DEC as well. So there
are some possibilities to locate one if you search around.
Also how do I hook up a mouse/keyboard to these things
(I think the icon above the DB25 looking connector implied it carries video, keyboard
[LK-style with RJ connector like on the VT420 I hope] and mouse [no idea about DEC mice])?
That DB25 would be a DA-15, I suspect. Yes, that was sometimes used to
get to a keyboard and mouse connector. But, as far as I can remember
from my VAXstation 4000, the keyboard and mouse connectors are actually
on the backside of the box.