bart#show decnet nei
Net Node Interface MAC address Flags
0 59.59 Tunnel1 0000.0000.0000 A
0 61.1 Tunnel0 0000.0000.0000 A
0 52.4 FastEthernet0/0.2 aa00.0400.04d0
Tunnel2 (the one to sweden) hasn't come up yet, just FYI.
My error...
Router#sh decnet ne
Net Node Interface MAC address Flags
0 52.1 Tunnel4000 0000.0000.0000 A
0 59.57 Tunnel2000 0000.0000.0000 V
0 59.58 Ethernet0 aa00.0400.3aec V A
0 59.59 Tunnel3000 0000.0000.0000 V A
Anyone else that wan't to join the routed DECnet over GRE tunnel
Should I set the cost differently than what fa0/0.2 has or should they
all be the same?
It depends on what other external connectivity you have on fa0/0.2,
again, we have link that are L2 bridges that have no metrics...
My suggestion is to keep them all at 10, as that will pick the routed
path with the lowest number of hops. Now, if there are Ethernet
bridges in there to, they will be prefered..
My memory is short, but someone made a map of HECnet, they are better
off to answer this question, I just deliver the milk.