As it turns out, the V5.4 tape file is neither an INSTAL nor an UPDATE tape image.
(@[0,1]UPDATE FRTRN77 fails with the same error message).
Wilm Boerhout schreef op 6-7-2020 om 16:09:
I'm trying to get the Fortran-77 compiler
installed on PIRSTS:: , which is a working system on HECnet.
I have a TPC-formatted tape image with the name fortran-77_v5_4.tap
When I mount that tape, these are the contents:
$ mount mu0: F77504 %Device is write protected Density is 135 Tape is in ANSI format $
dir mu0: Name .Typ Size Name .Typ Size Name .Typ Size MU0: AUT101.A * 244 P AUTVER.BCK* 1
P F77F77.BCK* 3 P F77REL.BCK* 7 P F77504.A * 407 P Total of 662 blocks in 5 files in MU0:
Also, during the installation I copied all layered product patches to PATCH$, including
what looks like patches for this version of Fortran-77:
$ dir patch$:f*.*
Name .Typ Size Prot Name .Typ Size Prot SY:[0,200] FALDBG.TSK 225C <232> FALOVL.TSK
213C <232> FALRLB.TSK 80C <232> FEDLIB.OLB 118 < 60> FEDTKB.CMD 1 <
60> FEDTKB.ODL 2 < 60> FMS .01L 0 < 60> FMS .COM 38 < 60> FMS .DOC 3
< 60> FORTRA.01L 0 < 60> F77 .DOC 6 < 60> F77504.DAT 3 < 60>
F77COM.OBJ 24 < 60> FRTRN7.01L 0 < 60> Total of 713 blocks in 14 files in
However, when I try to instal Fortran-77 (@[0,1]INSTAL FRTRN77) at some point the
installer ties to mount the tape and fails with:
?ID labels don't match
Looking at the
INSTAL.COM script, I believe it expects a label "FRTRN7",
whereas the tape is labeled F77504.
This string also appears as a file name in the PATCH$ directory and as a file on the tape
Clearly, there is a mismatch between the installer and the tape image (but more likely,
in my head)
Did anybody successfully install Fortran-77 on RSTS V10.1L ? How, and using what tape