I'm taking a day off from work because it's a rainy day, and I live on a muddy
dirt road. I always worry about getting my truck stuck in the mud. I haven't gotten
fully stuck before, but I have gotten pretty close. Might as well experiment with DECnet!
My cast of characters is:
gruumsh: Debian Buster system serving as my router, dhcp, local dns, etc. When I'm
connected to the Internet, I have my iPhone plugged into gruumsh as a cellular hotspot.
HUSKY: VAX-11/785 simh emulation running OpenVMS 7.3 on gruumsh
BEAGLE: VAX-11/785 simh emulation running OpenVMS 7.3 on a BeagleBone Green, connected to
the same LAN as gruumsh
DOGRTR: PyDECnet node running on gruumsh
HUSKY and BEAGLE talk to each other nicely via DECnet
HUSKY and DOGRTR appear to be able to talk to each other nicely. They each report the
other as being adjacent, and HUSKY can NCP LOOP NODE DOGRTR
BEAGLE and DOGRTR seem to have connectivity in one direction only. DOGRTR reports that
BEAGLE is adjacent, but BEAGLE does not report DOGRTR as adjacent, and cannot NCP LOOP
NODE DOGRTR. It appears to me that DOGRTR can hear BEAGLE, but BEAGLE cannot hear the
packets that DOGRTR sends.
My PyDECnet config is:
# DOGRTR config file for PyDECnet
#circuit tap-0 Ethernet pcap:tap0 --hwaddr AA:00:04:00:2A:04
circuit tap-0 Ethernet pcap:tap0 --random-address
routing 1.42 --type l1router
node 1.42 DOGRTR
node 1.17 BEAGLE
node 1.785 HUSKY
#node @nodenames.dat
system --identification "DOGRTR PyDECnet Router"
Mark J. Blair <nf6x at nf6x.net>