Nice one.
I can't get the terminals working though, which is giving me flashbacks
to 1991 and trying to get to get a room full of terms up on a Convergent
Technologies Megaframe.
Its probably down to a simh version issue, as I have about 4 versions on
the go for various sims.
The Megaframe, by the way, was unused university kit that was still
powered up in the main machine room. It had the oper console connected,
and a load of serial lines running up to what had become a store room,
along with two lines connected to a board on our old Microvax II. We
blagged the room for the computing society eventually, got some terms
working. I think we got a mud to compile on it. When we shifted sites to
the sparkly new Tech Centre a few years later, it was deemed worthless.
It spent 5 years in my cellar, only to be desroyed due to flooding,
along with my Prime 2300.
On 03/10/2021 07:31, Tony Nicholson wrote:
Recently Al Kossow made available a zip file
containing a Micro/PDP-11
installation kit for Unix V7M-11 V1.0 on bitsavers as RX50 disk images.
Tinkering away here in Covid lockdown, I've managed to get this running
under SIMH pdp11 emulating an almost historically accurate PDP-11/23 plus.
I've placed the SIMH initialisation file, a couple of RD51 disk images and
an "installation recipe" for making these disks on GitHub at - <>
While I mainly had exposure to later versions of Unix and Ultrix-11 on
a PDP-11/70 as an undergraduate - this one surely brings back memories!
Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at
<mailto:tony.nicholson at>>