On 2018-10-23 14:10, Supratim Sanyal wrote:
This is great Johnny - I have been using tshark the
best I could so far; your tool will be vastly more helpful.
Indeed. That sounds like a very useful tool, Johnny. Would love to check
it out. It is sometimes very tedious to inspect both actual packets, and
packets wrapped inside another layer.
A suggestion for the tool would be for it to also be able to process
packets as wrapped by my bridge. They are very simple. Just full
ethernet frames inside UDP packets.
The circuit with MIM fluctuated for quite a while, I
suspect at least an hour. Wonder if anyone else saw that too; if not, there was an unusual
network issue with Amazon AWS or somewhere trans-Atlantic.
I was doing a bunch of work, and was restarting MIM many types last
night. I suspect that is what you saw.
Thank you,
On Oct 23, 2018, at 8:05 AM, Johnny Eriksson
<bygg at cafax.se> wrote:
Earlier today I wrote:
The packet in question is an init packet, used to
start up a link.
If tcpdump knew about this, it would look somewhat like:
Since there really is a need for a tool to examine various kinds of DEC
protocol traffic, I am trying to put one together. In case anyone is
Don't let the ANF part of the name fool you! It can do the following:
* listen for ethernet frames with ANF-10, DECnet and LAT.
* listen for DDCMP (simh-style over TCP or UDP), with decoding
of payload (ANF-10 or DECnet).
* listen for Multinet over TCP, with decoding of DECnet.
* do several of the above, in parallel, if you want to see how
a box in the middle molests your data.
* read (and write) pcap-format files.
As usual this is a work-in-progress, and some things (like the manual)
are missing, but the code mostly works. Use the -h flag for help at
this time.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol