Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.
This is version 2.8 of BQTCP/IP.
It's been four months since the last official update, and there been
various smaller improvements.
. Several smaller issues have been fixed which could cause crashes under
certain circumstances.
. Improvements in ICMP error handling.
. Performance improvements in TCP, telnetd and Multinet.
. Improved behavior in the DNS resolver.
. Improved handling of many things in MAIL.
. More patches for issues in RSX and LAT.
Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:
. Bugfix. In some special circumstances, TCP could crash out with an odd
address trap when doing an IO.REJ.
. Fixed TCP handling at close, which could sometimes cause a spurios
. Fixed TCP behavior at large packet loss, which could lead to very bad
performance. We now reset the delayed ACK handling when we get to a
delayed transmit.
. In Time wait state in TCP, a probe caused RST. It should be ignored.
. Improved window update handling in TCP when we have lost packets.
. Improved ICMP time exceeded error handling. Also affected PING and
. Improved ICMP error return value for destination unreachable to have
IE.NRJ with subcode in high byte. Second word of IOSB now contain
possible additional information. Also affected PING.
. Bugfix. ICMP error generation could corrupt the IP pool in some
. ICMP errors returned for destination unreachable failed to include the
correct subcode.
. Improved resolver to ignore leading spaces in hostnames.
. Improved name resolver to have more randomness in returning a random
result to a name lookup with multiple answers.
. Changed mail back to using MAILDN for new mail delivery.
. Improved MAILD. Refuse connections from hosts with no reverse DNS, or
who claim to be someone else at EHLO/HELO.
. Fixed maild. If outgoing mail have format=flowed, the mail was missing
an extra space on lines starting with space.
. Added mail blocking based on from address.
. Improved MAILD memory usage.
. Improved MAILRD handling of LAST keyword.
. Improved MAILRD handling of reading current/next/previous mail.
. Improved MAIL11 address rewriting in MAILD.
. Bugfix in HTTPD. CGI execution could cause a spurious error.
. Added patched LAT, DCL, RMSDSP, RMSDAP
. Changed TT: driver patch. Updated MCR.
Some additional notes:
As usual, I would recommend people to update as soon as possible.
The changes are not critical, but will lead to a much better experience.
The patches to the TT: driver cannot be applied automatically, but
requires users to apply the patches themselves, and then run SYSGEN to
generate a new system.
Once added, the TNC2 task can be run at login, and will define logical
names for the user telling where he is connected from, if using telnet.
The TT: driver patches also allows the updated MCR to give more
information with the DEV command (SHOW TERMINAL in DCL).
The other patches to RSX can be applied automatically by IPGEN, either
if used interactively when answering YES to the question about applying
RSX patches, or by running IPGEN explicitly to do the patches, with the
Specific information about the patches:
LAT: Fixes a memory leak, and adds the ability to read where a terminal
connection comes from when using LAT, using SF.GMC.
RMSDAP: Fixes a bug in getting the file protection, so the XAB gets
filled in correctly for remote files.
RMSDSP: Fixes that some numbers were displayed in signed octal, which
should have been displayed in decimal or unsigned octal, depending on
DCL: Added terminal attributes for COLOR.
MCR: Too many fixes to be listed here...
As usual, the distribution is available from:
!!! BQTCP is also available through RPM !!!
(As an additional note, if there are any problems communicating with Mim
using port 21, the ftp service is also available at port 10021)
The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at
I hope people find this update useful.
On a final note, Mim have moved. Mim.Update.UU.SE still points to the
machine, but the actual name is now
Mim.Stupi.NET, and in case
Update.UU.SE cease to work at some point,
Stupi.NET should still be fine.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol