On Aug 16, 2020, at 9:39 PM, David Moylan <djm at
wiz.net.au> wrote:
I have a whole yaml file for logging, which is
mostly taken verbatim from Paul?s example. I get tons of logged events ? starting
circuits, starting datalinks, nodes up, areas up, routers >discovered, etc. It doesn?t
seem like it?s changed with this release. You might try that.
ok so you got me curious about this and i worked it out. i'm not using any of the
yaml/json config files for logging, so the default logging goes to the console.
by adding "logging console" to the config i get all the events as expected into
my log file as specified on the startup command line.
but i have one query for paul:
is it valid to have both "logging monitor" and the "logging console"
enabled together in the configuration file?
The old code was logging events to the Python log -- which is meant to be the
"logging console" even if they were going to other sinks and not to console. I
fixed that.
PyDECnet implements the DECnet logging model, which has three sink types, console, file,
and monitor, and both local and remote sinks for each. Any sink type and sink destination
has its own event filters. All this was enabled in the current rev (or actually in 521).
For example, on my core router (PYTHON), I have this config setting:
logging console
logging monitor --sink-node 28nh --events 4.7-10,14-15,18-19
For local logging console, the default --events is all events; for all others the default
event filter is no events. So for example the following is valid. Perhaps not terribly
sensible, but valid:
logging console
logging file --sink-file events.dat --events *.*
logging console --sink-node ni1d --events 4.*
logging monitor --sink-node 28nh --events 4.7-10,14-15,18-19
This means: all events go to the local console, i.e., the Python log. All events also go
to event file events.dat (in RMS VAR format records containing the binary encoded events).
All events in class 4 go to the console of node ni1d, and the mapping events go to the