El 03/01/2013, a les 12:46, G. <gerry77 at mail.com> va escriure:
Let's hope that the ANF-10 trick is enough! :)
Well, now the monitor compiles and links, but it crashes on startup:
Stopcode EMA, type=STOP, on CPU0 at 3-Jan-113 13:35:03
CPU Status Block
APRID = 470130,,010001
CONI APR, = 001060,,000070
CONI PI, = 000000,,000271
CONI PAG, = 000000,,060002
DATAI PAG, = 500100,,000004
Reload monitor
[Dumping on DSKC:CRASH.EXE[1,4]]
I've tried defining both a KMC11 and a DMR11 and I get the same crash. So I guess we
are still without DECNET in the KS simulator...
Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name