On 20 Apr 2016, at 21:15, Johnny Billquist <bqt at
softjar.se> wrote:
OK, got that. What about the cabling, anyone got any spares lying around? :)
Not me. But the connector, which is like a DA-15 shell, with just three coaxial
connectors inside were used by others than DEC as well. So there are some possibilities to
locate one if you search around.
Also how do I hook up a mouse/keyboard to these
things (I think the icon above the DB25 looking connector implied it carries video,
keyboard [LK-style with RJ connector like on the VT420 I hope] and mouse [no idea about
DEC mice])?
That DB25 would be a DA-15, I suspect. Yes, that was sometimes used to get to a keyboard
and mouse connector. But, as far as I can remember from my VAXstation 4000, the keyboard
and mouse connectors are actually on the backside of the box.
OK I?ll have a closer look, I assume the keyboard connector is the same as on an VT420
(I?ve got a VT420 with a pretty burnt out screen so could use the keyboard from that)..
Now I just have to find a mouse and a monitor cable :)