No I see how my way of doing it might seem backwards, I mean why share a modem from a host
machine when terminal servers were invented for doing it?
Doesn't mean it wouldn't be a nice feature to have :)
On 11 Jun 2010, at 01:36, Johnny Billquist wrote:
What pays to remember is that once you had LAT and DECservers, you didn't use serial
ports on your VAX anymore, especially not on a site where you had several VAXen. You
*obviously* had DECservers if you were using LAT, and you *obviously* wanted to put the
modem on the DECserver if you had one, and *especially* if you wanted to access the modem
from several machines.
So yes, it's an obvious idea, and it had an obvious answer. It's just you who are
trying to do things backwards... :-)