I'm thinking about running up further machines and wonder if anyone would
object to me using my own area (eg either 40. or 50.) both of which are
available according to the database. I have a permanent static L2 pyDecnet
I currently peer with Keith's area 29 router and would also seek to peer
with area 1 and any others looking for redundancy.
Best wishes
Peter Whisker
Peter R Whisker BA BAI CEng MIET
Chartered Engineer - IT Technical Architect
E: peter(a)whisker.org.uk
It has been mentioned elsewhere and maybe a while back too but I'm not quite sure when DECnet (VAX/VMS 7.3) started serving up jewels like:
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-NOV-2024 15:15:13.82 %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user DECNET on TUPILE
DECnet event 4.10, circuit up
From node 29.109 (TUPILE), 1-JAN-1977 00:00:53.64
Circuit UNA-0