Just a quick update:
I've registered the domain CHIMPYMAIL.COM for use as a hecnet mail gateway.
The format of the messages is the same, i.e. incoming mail should be addressed to:
Outgoing mail remains the same, i.e.:
CHIMPY::smtp%"user at example.com"
I want to say that there was some freeware utility, perhaps on the DECUS tapes throughout the years, that offered very basic UPS monitoring. If I remember correctly, a UPS that's having a power-fault would drop DTE or something like that, allowing a program to monitor the serial port for a hangup, and then do whatever (presumably start a countdown before taking action to see if DTE is raised again).
I don't know whether the current models do anything that basic any longer.
Fred wrote:
Good afternoon ...
Would anyone have a piece of software that would run on OpenVMS Alpha that could monitor an APC Smart-UPS via a serial port? I moved some equipment around and now have one UPS that ended up not being monitored, and I'd like to have the Alpha monitor it (and run shutdown.com on low battery). I did a little googling around but couldn't find anything. I've seen Powerchute for VAX but it had a rather obscene price tag attached to it.
[View More]The only UPS monitoring software for OpenVMS Alpha I know of is for Exide (aka Powerware) UPS's. Don't know if it would work with other UPS's as well.
[View Less]
Good afternoon ...
Would anyone have a piece of software that would run on OpenVMS Alpha that could monitor an APC Smart-UPS via a serial port? I moved some equipment around and now have one UPS that ended up not being monitored, and I'd like to have the Alpha monitor it (and run shutdown.com on low battery). I did a little googling around but couldn't find anything. I've seen Powerchute for VAX but it had a rather obscene price tag attached to it.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se>
Date: 9 March 2009 22:01:54 GMT
To: hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Subject: Re: [HECnet] DEC fan meeting in Lake District, anyone from HECnet want to speak?
Reply-To: hecnet at Update.UU.SE
majordomo at update.uu.se
Just put a "subscribe hecnet" in the body.
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Oh ok, I just forgot the subscription address, someone remind me? :)
On 9 Mar 2009, at 21:42, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Sampsa Laine …
[View More]wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff, wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested in attending or even speaking at this "old DEC kit" gathering.
If it had been any closer... ;-)
Might I also suggest that we add Mr Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be a great asset to HECnet.
In general I dislike adding someone else on their behalf. I prefer that they request to subscribe themself.
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk> <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk>>
While I've got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se <mailto:bqt at softjar.se> || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
[View Less]
majordomo at update.uu.se
Just put a "subscribe hecnet" in the body.
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Oh ok, I just forgot the subscription address, someone remind me? :)
On 9 Mar 2009, at 21:42, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff, wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested in attending or even speaking at …
[View More]this "old DEC kit" gathering.
If it had been any closer... ;-)
Might I also suggest that we add Mr Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be a great asset to HECnet.
In general I dislike adding someone else on their behalf. I prefer that they request to subscribe themself.
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk> <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk>>
While I've got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se <mailto:bqt at softjar.se> || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
[View Less]
Oh ok, I just forgot the subscription address, someone remind me? :)
On 9 Mar 2009, at 21:42, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff, wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested in attending or even speaking at this "old DEC kit" gathering.
If it had been any closer... ;-)
Might I also suggest that we add Mr …
[View More]Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be a great asset to HECnet.
In general I dislike adding someone else on their behalf. I prefer that they request to subscribe themself.
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk>>
While I've got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
[View Less]
Sampsa Laine wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff, wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested in attending or even speaking at this "old DEC kit" gathering.
If it had been any closer... ;-)
Might I also suggest that we add Mr Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be a great asset to HECnet.
In general I dislike adding someone else on their …
[View More]behalf. I prefer that they request to subscribe themself.
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:mark at wickensonline.co.uk>>
While I've got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
[View Less]
Ladies, Gentlemen,
I've been talking to a Mr Mark Williams today about some VMS related stuff, wonderfully helpful chap etc etc.
Anyway, he asked me to relay this message to our mailing list in case we were interested in attending or even speaking at this "old DEC kit" gathering.
Might I also suggest that we add Mr Williams to this mailing list as he's likely to be a great asset to HECnet.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mark Wickens <mark at wickensonline.co.uk>
While I've …
[View More]got your attention - I'm organising a meeting later in the
year that will focus on old DEC kit - HECNET would definitely be of
interest - do you know of anyone in the HECNET community who I might
approach about giving a short talk? It'll be autumn this year (when I
get my finger out and book a venue!) up here in the Lake District.
Sounds like you might be interested in this sort of thing - do you want
me to add you to the distribution list?
[View Less]
Hello all,
does anyone here has any experience running a TOPS-10 host with DECnet-10?
More than a year ago, we connected to our DECnet a KLH10 emulator running
TOPS-10 and its DECnet-10 software, but we had to shut it down just after some
days because it was causing us many troubles and had serious usability issues.
Now we would like to try again, so I'm writing here looking for some ideas.
We would prefer to use KLH10 instead of SIMH because of its quite interesting
multiprocess …
[View More]implementation which scales way better on the hosting system.
Moreover, the KLH10 emulator uses a very effective idling mechanism, by means
of a special device which has to be accessed by the guest OS in its idle loop.
Activation of both this idle mechanism (patching CLOCK1.MAC) and DECnet-10
requires a monitor rebuild, which should be almost easy because we have all
the sources and instructions, but which is actually not so straight-forward.
By reading manuals and Usenet posts, we found that we'd have to use the MONGEN
procedure to rebuild the monitor. So we patched CLOCK1.MAC and answered all
the relevant MONGEN questions about DECnet, but the final result was not good.
(Probably we ran NETGEN too, but at the moment we are not sure about this).
DECnet did start and we were able to make connections to and from the TOPS-10
host, but other parts of the system (e.g. BATCON) stopped working and, most of
all, there was absolutely no idling of the KLH10 host CPU.
We discovered that probably MONGEN only compiles some macro configuration
files and then relinks the monitor using a prebuilt TOPS10.REL, made up from
many macro files, including CLOCK1.MAC. So we need to entirely rebuild
TOPS10.REL from sources, but we do not know ho to do that.
The Software Installation Guide directs to Appendix B where it is suggested
that, for more information about building the monitor library file (i.e.
TOPS10.REL), we should read the batch control file COMPIL.CTL. Unfortunately
COMPIL.CTL does NOT contain any comment or explanation. We think it is
intended for somebody with a previous somewhat deep knowledge about such
tasks, which we do not actually have. we are using a quite standard
installation so common defaults should be fine, but there are anyway lots of
totally obscure files to customize (BUILDS.MIC, BUILDS.PTH, GEN.MIC, ...).
Any help, suggestion or pointer would be much appreciated!
G. (http://decnet.ipv7.net)
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