Version 5.3(277)-5 incorporates additional features, enhancements and fixes since edit release 5.3(255)-5 in March of this year (29-Mar-2024).

Users of the HECnet community may anonymously transfer files from VENTI2::TOMMYT:<OINKY.K20MIT> and related subdirectories.

The changes are summarized below and are further described in TOMMYT:<OINKY.K20MIT.DOCUMENTATION>KERMIT-20_V5_3_277-5-ANNOUNCEMENT.TXT.  Rich text is also available in and .PDF and Microsoft .DOCX format.

Note that the FAL server on VENTI2:: is beta code which required modifications to Tops-20 in order to function properly in an edge case that could happen at boot time.  Please email me any issues with FAL transfers off list and I will investigate.

[256] /PARITY switch to ECHO for batch and other testing purposes[257] Teach INPUT to respect parity, if asked
[259] Fix a few arcane bugs in the C constant expression expander
[260] Fix DEFINE to work (again) with ESCAPE and PARITY
[261] Decrease repeated parity error messing
[262] Remove the legacy INPUT code that uses BIN%'s
[263] Stop using a SIN% for a line at a time read
[264] Toggle session logging from command level
[265] Fix TTY Input Buffer full when doing a TRANSMIT on a PTY
[266] Turn TRANSMIT and CAPTURE increasingly hairy switches in SET parameters
[267] Give effective data rate at end of TRANSMIT
[268] CAPTURE is no longer hidden.  Further document it
[269] Review, update and correction of all help text
[270] Enhance default for SET PROMPT to give some extra useful information
[271] Fix TVT setting; it gets overwritten by automatic processing
[274] Fix SET INPUT to better support DEFINE
[275] SET TRANSMIT SETTINGS-DEFAULTS for backwards compatibility
[276] Fix indirect recursion crash when reporting an error with REALLY short packets
[277] Variable blips (so we don't get clobbered for very small packets)
Kermit-20-Testing-Battery-5.3(277)-5 Updates
Updated Help