I'm playing again a little bit with DECNET/OSI. Does anybody have the X500 directory server install kit at hand? The PAKs are included in the hobbyist set, but the CSD I have is the 1992 one so I guess there has to be a more recent one (for VAX, by the way). The DECDns stuff changed from 6.X to 7.X so I'm pretty sure the version I have in my CDs won't work.
By the way, BITXOZ is configured as a DECDns server, and "owns" the HECNET: namespace. All HECNET nodes are loaded in the form HECNET:.NAME. I toyed previously with a schema like HECNET:.AREAn.NAME but I have ditched it. My internet domain (jguillaumes.dyndns.org or jordi.guillaumes.name) has also opened the access to BITXOZ via rfc1006, so anyone with a DECNET/OSI stack shoud be able to do a $SET HOST jguillaumes.dyndns.org or a $DIR/APP=FTAM jguillaumes.dyndns.org:: and access that system even without a working HECNET link.
Jordi Guillaumes i Pons