Comcast Business is practically a completely different company for all intents and purposes. They have completely reasonable policies and a tech support staff who know how stuff works rather than reading from a script.

Unfortunately it's really expensive.

As far as melding Cisco into the rest of things I've been thinking about rewriting the tunnel manager. As it already talks SNMP to the routers i can leverage that. I can then provide any info needed and we can do so without exposing SNMP to the internet. I was thinking in the rewrite to use an agent based system so you would run one on your local network.

I'll add this to the list of things i want to do. Then i need to wrap up a couple other personal projects só o have time up dedicate to the rewrite.

On Sep 10, 2022, 18:33 +0100, Paul Koning <>, wrote:

On Sep 10, 2022, at 1:09 PM, Dave McGuire <> wrote:

On September 10, 2022 12:59:37 PM Paul Koning <> wrote:
- Writing the SW to integrate this in to Pauls tool (or some other tool)

I made a stab at that a while ago; it isn't all that difficult. The problem I ran into is that Comcast has a mental problem, they filter SNMP traffic outbound so I can't query anyone's MIB. The solution would be to build an SNMP proxy, which would be easy enough, and install that on some helpful server.

Wow. Comcast does no such brain-damaged BS here. Is this a "home" connection or something?

Yes. I think "business" connections are not so defective, but the policy makes no sense for home users either.


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