On the items you listed: Yes, 023 is NICE.  026 is shown in the registry as "message router", that would be the store and forward machinery in the heavyweight corporate mail product DEC tried to sell (part of All-In-One as I recall).  It was used internally but only by corporate overhead people; engineers wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole and stuck with Mail11.  Yes, that's also used by VMS mail.

I don't know where 117 and 201 come from.  Yes, 123 is PMR (also known as PSTHRU), the poor man's router.  


On Sep 20, 2024, at 1:05 PM, Thomas DeBellis <tommytimesharing@gmail.com> wrote:

Some time ago, I asked about a list of DECnet generic objects and what they meant.  I remember seeing a response and now I can't find it or what I thought I saved as a file.  Could somebody send me that again?  For now, all I have is what SYSDPY shows.  This is an annotated list (note that numbers are octal unless otherwise specified:

      Object#   Name            Comment
         0      TASK
         1      FAL1
         2      URDS            Unit Record Device Service (DN200)
         3      ATS
         4      CTS
         5      TCL1
         6      OSI
         7      NRM
        10      3270            3270 Terminal
        11      2780            2780 Remote Job Entry protocol
        12      3790
        13      TPS
        14      DIBOL
        15      T20TRM          Tops-20/Tops-10/Ultrix Network Remote Terminal (NRT)
        16      T20RSP
        17      TCL
        20      TLK
        21      FAL             File Access Listener
        22      RTL
        23      NCU             NICE?
        24      NETCPY
        25      ONCTH
        26      MAIL            How different from MAIL11?
        27      NVT
        30      TCON
        31      LOOP            Loopback Testing
        32      EVENT           DECnet Event Reporting
        33      MAIL11          VAX mail?
        34      FTS             File Transfer Service
        35      PHONE           Phone
        36      DDMF
        37      X25GAT          X.25 gateway
        40      UETP            User Environment Test Package
        41      VXMAIL
        42      X29SRV
        43      RDS
        44      X25HST          X.25 Host
        45      SNAGAT          SNA Gateway
        46      SNARJE          SNA Remote Job Entry
        47      SNAGIS
        50      MTSS
        51      ELF
        52      CTERM           Control Terminal
        53      DNSTA
        54      DNSUL
        55      DHCF
      ^D47      POSI            Remote OPR
      ^D63      DTR
      ^D65      TOPOL
      ^D66      DQS             Digital Queue Service (LAT?)
     ^D117      FINGER          Personal Name service
     ^D123      PMR
     ^D201      MS

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