I get the same result with “dndir 1.1.::” - is MAGICA down? I have no problems accessing MIM (1.13).
What output do you get from “dneigh” - that should display your local system address and designated router, here’s mine:
forecast@emulat:~$ dneigh
Node HWtype HWaddress Flags MTU Iface
EMULAT loop AA:00:04:00:CA:A4 --- 65533 lo
41.250 ether AA:00:04:00:FA:A4 1-- 591 br0
41.235 ether AA:00:04:00:EB:A4 --- 1498 br0
28NH ether AA:00:04:00:1C:A4 --- 596 br0
MIM ether AA:00:04:00:0D:04 --- 591 br0
MAGICA ether AA:00:04:00:01:04 --- 591 br0
PYTHON ether AA:00:04:00:01:A4 --- 591 br0