My zpologies everyone for having youspendtime on what seems tohave been
a totally self-inflicted problemonmypart. My earlier "moving around"
invlvedtrying to findheapprpriatecommands to bring downthe bridge toits
defaultstatein orderto performacleanrestart. Itturnsoutthat I failed to
bringdown some tapinterfacesbefore deleing thebridge,which led to a
defective bridge configuration being left running. Then I tried restarting
pydecnet and that's when theproblems showed up. Thanks to Thomas, Johnny
and David for putting me on the right track.

Several of you askedfor how I configuredthe KLH10 networkinterfaces, and
I remarked on that while hinting on my icompletetesting procedure.Ishould
have taken down the bridgecompletely, andrestarted the KLH10 instances,
which sould have resolved theproblem before asking the list:
>The KLH10 instances obtain their tap interfaces as part of their
>startup configuration, so I have to restart them whenever I have reset
>the bridge which I haven't done in a few days now. This is a sample net
>device onfiguration line from one host:

Asto that question however, the network configuration looksasfollows:

devdef ni0  564   ni20 dedic=true ifc=tap2 ifmeth=tap+bridge ipaddr= dpdelay=3

then I havea local file in SYSTEM with the node number usedby 7-CONFIG.CMD
which I believe makes KLH10 setthe correctethernet addresson itsinerface.

RARITY 1.802

I haveyet to chck a fewthings before can say forsurethatthe issueis resolved,
butthankyou fior yourquestions and feedback, itwasvery helpful.
