Back in the days before 2000 I used to manage the ANU NEWS system for the university where I worked.

I too preferred the ANU NEWS user interface and continue to use it on my hobbyist Alpha and VAX systems to access USENET via its NNTP client reader mode. 

The version I use is V6.2.1 (I can't remember if I added further patches to the V6.2.0 release to get this).  I'd be interested in seeing the 623 release to see what further changes there are.

Also, now that I have an OpenVMS x86 instance up and running too - I might try a build on it to see what happens...


On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 7:42 AM David Moylan <> wrote:
I’ve actually wanted to do exactly the same but haven’t yet had the time to dedicate to this. 

I actually found trying to get the final distribution a bit of a challenge so I reached out to Geoff Huston for assistance. He obviously hasn’t worked in this for a very long time (side note - Geoff is a very busy person and really doesn’t have time for this) but he provided me with release 620. A bit of further searching and I found I think it was release 623. 

I have this all archived somewhere for later use. I was planning on running it under VAX. 

Let me know if you’d like me to share the latest release files. 

I’m hoping to get back into this around March 2024 but it’s a low priority at this stage. 

ANUNEWS was my sole interface for Usenet during my university years and I really enjoyed using it. 

Cheers, Wiz!!