I believe I did send an earlier version of this to the  list yesterday,
as I even saw Thomas comment on it, but somehow I can't find it in the
mailing list archive at lists.dfupdate.se now, so in order to follow up
on those questions, I'm sorry to bother you with what is likely a partial
repeat post.

My Maneframe-6 data centre is back in operation; thanks for allthe support
andfeedback, includingthe serendipitous information on DECnet over CI
which I don't use (I'dlike to have an emulated CI-20 interface as well,
even in the form of an Am2900-based emulator running the CI20 microcode as
provided with TOPS-20.

My apologies everyone for having youspendtime on what seems tohave been
a totally self-inflicted problem on my part. My earlier "moving around"
involved trying to find the appropriate commands to bring down the bridge
to its default state in order to perform a clean restart. It turns out that
I failed to bring down some tap interfaces before deleting the bridge,
which led to a defective bridge configuration being left running. Then I
tried restarting pydecnet and that's when the problems showed up. Thanks to
Thomas, Johnny and David for putting me on the right track.

Several of you asked for how I configured the KLH10 networkinterfaces, and
I remarked on that while hinting at my incomplete testing procedure. I
should have taken down the bridge completely, and restarted the KLH10
instances, which would have resolved theproblem, before asking the list:
>The KLH10 instances obtain their tap interfaces as part of their
>startup configuration, so I have to restart them whenever I have reset
>the bridge which I haven't done in a few days now. This is a sample net
>device onfiguration line from one host:

Asto that question however, the network configuration looksasfollows:

devdef ni0  564   ni20 dedic=true ifc=tap2 ifmeth=tap+bridge ipaddr= dpdelay=3

then I havea local file in SYSTEM: with the node number used by 7-CONFIG.CMD
which I believe makes KLH10 set the correctethernet addresson itsinerface.

RARITY 1.802

This is because I want to maintain only a single 7-CONFIG.CMD to be copied
to all hosts, and it therefore contains the line


I findthe @indirect_file feature of COMND very convenient for this purpose
as SETSPD has no explicit command for reading another file.

This is another local file of potential interest (such as "IPNI#0"in case I
havemultiple networkinterfaces, which I don't yet have):


I have yet to check a few things before can say for sure that all issues are
resolved, butthankyou for yourquestions and feedback, it was very helpful.

I have encountered a few different problems during this troubleshooting process,
such as being unable to connect to my kaskal server even internally on my
home network, while simultaneously being able to reach it from the outside,
but that seems also to be solved right now. and just in case any of you would
like to be able to log in on my virtual machines, you are welcome to ask via
private mail,stating your preferred username,max 39 characters (no "." periods
or ^V:s please, CHECKD may choke on ^V:s in directory names,but I think DEC
removed the ability to prefix arbitrary characters with ^V in directory names
after one of our users created a subdirectory containing a colon ":" and our
staff reported the CHECKD issue which may in reality have been with the colon
itself rather than the ^V prefix). Besides being reachable via HECnet you can
run "ssh rarity@kaskal.pdcs.org" to be connected to a non-logged-in EXEC.
Visitors are welcome to drop by just to SEND HLLO!

Why would you want a subdirectory name with a colon in it,you may ask. Well,
as the canonical place for storing a bunch of EMACS ".:EJ" files of course.
TECO must be the only programming language where modem line noise serves as
perfectly valid source code.

I have a PDP-10 installation of CMU's ISPS in my planned work pipeline in
case anyone is interested. Lots of fascinating stuff found when we cleaned
out our magtape collection two years ago.
