On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 20:17, Keith Halewood <Keith.Halewood@pitbulluk.org> wrote:
At one point last night, there were 4 DECnet server processes running on DUNE. One of them seemed to have FAL issues whereas the other 3 were fine, judging by the logs.
I suppose if your request was being handled by the bad one, you were unlucky.

And to repeat myself, I cannot overstress this point:
The Algol 68 RS compiler in the saveset on dune IS NOT the public domain version you see as part of ELLA or algol68toc. Even a quick comparison of some front-end translation routines between the two shows the
expected omissions and some surprising ones too on the public domain version. The public domain translator will not compile the fully featured compiler source properly. The production compiler in the save-set will!

I hope to use this to create a compiler backend that will translate the 'streams' intermediate language the RS compiler frontend generates into LLVM and therefore produce versions for IA64 and X86.

Unfortunately LLVM will only produce binaries for x86-64. The Itanium support is long gone and was never anywhere near complete in the first place.
I'd love to be able to do the equivalent with GEM for AXP but it seems unlikely I'd get access to a GEM to AXP translator.

That I definitely don't see ever happening :-(  Nor the GEM/IA64 target. There are not too many places outside DEC that got access to GEM.

Regards, Tim.