On 2/21/23 12:05 AM, Supratim Sanyal wrote:

Hi Brian - MIM might have temporary reachability problems,

I have a weekly batch job that copies the latest HECnet nodes list from MIM:: and uses my rewrite of SETNODE to compute the running set difference for the past seven days.  You may recall that I did the rewrite because updating nodes in the local area requires them to be deleted first and then reinserted.  If you don't do the order properly, you get an arcane error.

If something doesn't work, then it sends me email to go have a look.  I could change it to try again after some amount of time, but I didn't want to get a lot of mail while I was hacking the mailer.  The facts are that I don't get a lot of mail as MIM:: is pretty much always there.  Connectivity has always been my own local ISP doing something clever.  It gives me another opportunity to hack the bridge and learn something else.

but IMPVAX 31.1 maintains a fairly current copy - you could try to add 31.1 IMPVAX manually and then copy from there.
I don't suppose you'd ever consider the possibility of updating TWENEX::?  You don't appear to have done that since the summer of 2019 when I joined HECnet, viz:

 Job  Line Program  User              Origin
   9*  114  SYSTAT  Not logged in     2.522::SLOGIN(CTM)